

Full-time Faculty

ARAKI Hiroshi Research Division
Specialized Field(s) Japanese literature
Current Research Themes My research focuses on Genji monogatari, Konjaku monogatarishū, Tsurezuregusa, and other classics, and I am also interested in the culture of dreams. Currently, I am engaged in a team research project titled “Solid “Impermanence”/Fragile “Impermanence”: The Transmogrification of the Classics and Future Prospects” to consider new angles for exploring the international and contemporary possibilities of classic culture. The project explores the international and contemporary possibilities of classical culture.
Keywords for Research Ancient and Medieval Japanese Literature, Religion and Literature, Kokoro, Dream, impermanence, Picturization/Tradition/Expression


1982 B.A., Kyoto University
1984 M.A., Kyoto University

Professional Experience

1986 Full-time Lecturer, Aichi Prefectural University
Full-time Lecturer, Aichi Prefectural Women's Junior College
1990 Associate Professor, Aichi Prefectural Women's Junior College
1990 Associate Professor, Aichi Prefectural University
1992 Associate Professor, Osaka University
1994 Associate Professor, Osaka University
1997 Additional post Associate Professor, National Institute of Japanese Literature
1999 Associate Professor, Osaka University (Graduate School)
1999 Visiting Scholar, Columbia University
2006 Professor, Osaka University (Graduate School)
2007 Visiting Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University
2010 Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
2014 Visiting Professor, University of Zurich
2014 Visiting Professor, Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities
2016 Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University
2016 Visiting Professor, Sofia University
2018 Professor, Deputy Director-General, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
2020 Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies


1982 B.A., Kyoto University
1984 M.A, Kyoto University
2013 D., Litt., Kyoto University


Co-authored Books
  • ・ The Popular Culture History of“Characters”and“Worlds, 日文研大衆文化研究叢書 全5巻序論集, 国際日本文化研究センター, March 2022, pp.78-85
  • ・ Reviewing Japanese Dream Culture and Its History: Where Ancient, Medieval and Modern Times, Oriental Studies 819, University of Latvia, April 2021, pp.12-29
  • ・ 「11世紀日本対謝霊運的認識及評価差異」, 『日語学習与研究』2019年第5期, 北京報刊発行局, 2019年10月, pp.109-117
  • ・ Rêve et vision dans la littérature japonaise classique: notes pour la lecture du Roman du Genji, Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident 42, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, December 2018, pp.73-98
  • ・ 「从対白框看夢的形象」, 『日語学習与研究』2016・5, 186 号, 2016年10月, pp.1-6
Show all Achievements 折り畳み用アイコン
  • ・ 「スパイラルなクロニクル―説話文学研究と一九五〇年代の視覚文化」, 劉建輝・佐野真由子編『「日本研究」再考―北欧の実践から[北欧シンポジウム2012]』, 国際日本文化研究センター, 2014年03月, pp.119-129
    ( Spiral Chronicles: Rethinking Setsuwa Bungaku (Narrative Literature) Studies and Visual Cultures in the 1950s, Rethinking “Japanese Studies” from Practices in the Nordic Region, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, March 2014, pp.119-129 )
  • ・ 「〈非在〉する仏伝――光源氏物語の構造」, 『平安文学をいかに読み直すか』, 笠間書院, 2012年, pp.248-281
    ( The Absence of the Buddha’s Biography:Re-reading the Structure of the StoryofHikarugenji, 2012 )
  • ・ 「『方丈記』の文体と思想―その結構をめぐって―」, 『文学 隔月刊 《特集》方丈記800年』第13巻・2号 3・4月号, 2012年, pp.61-76
    ( The Writing Style and Philosophyof theHōjōki, bungaku 13(2), 2012, pp.61-76 )
  • ・ 「月はどんな顔をしている?」, 三谷研爾編『Between “National and Regional”Reorientation of Studies on Japanese and Central European Cultures』, 大阪大学文学研究科, 2012年, pp.8-19
    ( How Does the Moon Look Like in the World?, Between “National and Regional” Reorientation of Studies on Japanese and Central European Cultures, 2012, pp.8-19 )
  • ・ 「釈教歌と石鹸―宮澤賢治の〈有明〉再読―」, プラット・アブラハム・ジョージ/小松和彦編『宮澤賢治の深層―宗教からの照射―』, 法蔵館, 2012年, pp.141-172
    ( Syakkyō-Ka and Soap, Miyazawa Kenji no Shinsō -Shūkyō kara no Shōsha, hozokan, 2012, pp.141-172 )
  • ・ 「夢の形象、物語のかたち―ハーバード美術館所蔵『清盛斬首の夢』を端緒に―」, 『国際シンポジウム 日本文学の創造物―書籍・写本・絵巻―』, 2009年, pp.91-112
    ( The Form of Dreams, the Shape of Narratives, Kokusai sinpoziumu Nihon bungaku no sōzōbutsu -shoseki, shahon, emaki-, 2009, pp.91-112 )
  • ・ 「謝霊運の宋代―源隆国『安養集』と『徒然草』をめぐって」, 『アジア遊学』122, 2009年, pp.120-133
    ( Song Dynasty Era for Xie Lingyun: Study on its Legendary Image in Medieval Japanese Literature, Azia yugaku 122, 2009, pp.120-133 )
  • ・ 「『源氏物語』宇治八の宮再読―敦実親王准拠説とその意義―」, 『国語国文』78巻3号, 2009年, pp.1-21
    ( Re-reading Uji-Hachinomiya in the Tale of Genji, Kokugo kokubun 78(3), 2009, pp.1-21 )
Co-authored Articles
Other Publications
Presentations, Symposiums, Lectures etc.
  • ・ (シンポジウム・研究ワークショップ パネル(公募)), Envisioning texts through historical remains, creating realities through classical canons - Heritage and creativity in medieval Japanese literature , 16th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies, the European Association of Japanese Studies, ベルギー・ゲント(オンライン), August 2021
  • ・ Session 4 Art for heart's sake "Projecting classics: for the new perspective of Japanese studies", The Super Power of Japanese Soft-Power, ブルガリア・ソフィア大学, オンライン, 7 March 2021
  • ・ Young Scholars Discussion (2) , On the Heritage of Postcolonial Studies: Translation of the Untranslatable , 国際日本文化研究センター他, 13 February 2020
  • ・ (招待), Dreams and Japanese culture: where ancient and modern times meet, ブルガリア・ソフィア大学・パブリックレクチャー, 8 November 2016
  • ・ (国際シンポジウム), Naître seul, mourir seul /Mourir le matin puis naître le soir : Catastrophes naturelles et conception de la mort dans la littérature médiévale, パリ・日本文化会館(人間文化研究機構共催), 2016
Supervision and Review of doctoral theses
Grants and Scholarships
Other Activities
Academic Society Membership
  • ・ European Association for Japanese Studies(EAJS)
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