Application for Special Use Privileges

Regarding questions about the use of materials and digital database images in the collection of Nichibunken for publications, television programs, exhibitions, and other reproductions, please contact us via the Image Use Contact Form or by email.
Image Use Contact Form
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Library Services Unit (Shiryo Riyo Kakari): riyou* (Please replace * with @)
【Information to be provided】
▪ Name or title of materials, title of image, and the URL for the item
▪ Particulars of use (book publication, television program, exhibition,
▪ Data requirements: Do you need to use the original photograph or master data
for a digitalized image?
After examining and checking the identity of the requested work or image, availability and specifications of photographic negative or digital image, owner, restrictions, and procedures for use (if any), the Library will contact you.
● When use of the negative or digital master data are not
(e.g., when the user will reproduce the images directly or copy and save publically available
online images),
we will process your request received by email or contact form within one to three days. No
separate application form is necessary.
● When use of the photographic negative or digital master data is
needed (Special Use)
Please follow the steps of the "Application for Special Use Privileges" given below and submit
"Application for Special Use Privileges."
In some cases, you will be asked to pay a designated fee for use and dispatch of the
photographic negative[s] or digital master data. Delivery of the image data takes two to three
If you judge that the content is in the public domain (i.e., the content is not subject to copyright or other rights protection) and, moreover, if you do not need the photographic negative or digital master data (i.e., when the user will reproduce the images directly or copy and save publicly available online images), no application is necessary.
- For our reference, please consider sending us your usage summary through the Image Use Contact Form or send an email to riyou* (Replace asterisk with @).
- Please consider donating a copy, if available, of the printed publication or film/video made using the image to the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken).
- Please insert a credit line identifying Nichibunken as the holder of the materials and/or provider of images.
- If problems arise concerning copyright or other rights, the applicant bears full responsibility.
1: If you have questions, contact us through the Image Use
Contact Form or send an email to riyou* (Replace asterisk with @).
2: Refer to the instructions provided for each database, if any.
3: If you need to verify materials and their images that belong to other institutes and are not
part of the Nichibunken collection, please contact the relevant institute independently.
Application for Special Use Privileges
When use of materials and digital images in the collection the Nichibunken Library falls under one of the following three categories of use, it is subject to "special use" as defined under the "International Research Center for Japanese Studies Regulations for Special Use of Materials." Please apply using the Application for Special Use Privileges.
Categories of Use
- Photographic negatives, digital master data, etc.
- Photography (stills, video)
- Photographic reproduction, and other types of reproduction
Note: Other uses of these materials do not come under "Special Use Privileges" and will be considered separately. Please contact the Library at the contacts below for details.
Use of Photographic Negatives, Digital Master Data, Etc.
These resources are not made publically available on the Nichibunken website. In most cases, the original negatives and digital master data are of images of much higher resolution and of larger size than the images publically available on the website, but the exact specifications differ from one item to the next. When information about the exact specifications of the image desired are needed, please contact us in advance. Please note that the images provided on the website do not correspond to those provided under the "Special Use Privileges" of photographic negative or digital master data.
Usage Fees
In accordance with the "International Research Center for Japanese Studies Regulations for Special Use of Materials," Nichibunken charges usage fees depending on how and for what purpose materials will be used. The amount of the fee and the possibility of having the fee waived depends on how and for what purpose materials will be used. For more details, contact the Library using the Contact Form or by email in advance.
Typical Cases
- Use of images publically available on the Nichibunken website (non-use of photographic negative or digital master data)--free of charge
- The publisher of the publication is a national or local public entity, an independent administrative agency, a private school, or a research center, and the material will be used for educational, scholarly, or cultural purposes--free of charge
- Requests for use in all other publications, television programs, etc. and that requiring use and dispatch of photographic negative and digital master data--fee required (¥3,300 per item)
Application Process
Please submit by post or as attachments to email the following documents:
- Application for Special Use Privileges
- Hard copy indicating the source or the part of the source that will be used
- Written proposal or summary describing the contents of the publication, etc.
- Other pertinent documents as found on the checklist attached to the "Application for Special Use Privileges."
Payments and Mailing of Images
- Photographic negative or master data for images is mailed after payment has been verified, so delivery may take 2 to 3 weeks.
- In cases where usage fees are required, payment and shipment of images generally takes
place in the following order:
Receipt of usage application form
→ preparation of images, determination of billing charges
→ mailing of written authorization and bill
→ applicant's payment
→ shipment of images, etc. - NOTE: When the specifications of a photographic negative or a digital image's master data need to be verified, please contact Nichibunken in advance.
The following conditions apply in cases of Special Use
1. Do not use the material for purposes other than those listed on
your application.
2. Do not alter images or data without permission when using them.
3. You must clearly indicate that the owner of the materials and/or provider of images is
the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken).
NOTE: Each image or source must be labeled in a way that indicates that it belongs to the
International Research Center for Japanese Studies. Do not list the owner at the end of the
book or manuscript, in the margins, in a group, or in a way that is not connected to the
image or source. For more details see "Giving Credit."
Miyako meisho zue, "Gion no hanami" (Courtesy of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
Giving Credit (PDF file:276KB)
4.When a source or image is being photographed, a copy of the film or data will be donated to Nichibunken.
5.When a photographic negative or digital master data is used or reproduced, the printed publication or film/video in which it appears, or a copy thereof, will be donated to Nichibunken.
6.If a source or photographic negative is damaged, the user will restore it to its pre-existing state or pay for its loss.
7.When using the material, users will follow directions from Nichibunken staff.
8.If problems arise concerning copyright, the applicant bears full responsibility.
Contact Us
International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Library Services Unit (Shiryo Riyo Kakari)
3-2 Goryo-Oeyamacho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 610-1192 JAPAN
Tel: +81-75-335-2066
Fax: +81-75-335-2093
E-mail: riyou* (Please replace * with @)
Contact Form: