User's Guide for Visitors

Visitors may use the library, but only for the purpose of conducting surveys or research. Prior to visit, visitors should contact the library in advance in accordance with the guidelines below.
You Visit the Library
First, please be sure to make a reservation in advance through your university library or your local public library. When making a reservation, please inform us of your purpose, the materials you plan to use, and the day(s) you plan to visit.
- Depending on the resource, you may need to fill out additional paperwork. Some resources may not be available. After determining whether or not you can use a particular resource, we will respond to your request and provide guidance through your library.
- It may take time to respond to your inquiry, so plan accordingly in contacting Nichibunken.
- You may need to make separate appointments and fill out documents in order to use microfilm, rare books, classical literature, and old materials, so make sure that you have enough time on the day you wish to use the library to make your requests.
- Visitors who wish to visit on Saturday, please also see "Saturday Service."
- Primary school, junior high school, high school, preparatory school students are not allowed to use the library.
For Librarians
Please let us know the user's name, affiliation, purpose, the materials and the date of visit in advance by e-mail.
After confirm whether or not the materials are available, we will respond to the request and provide guidance through your library.
Please inquire at: riyou* (Please replace * with @)
Entering the
After presenting your documents(ID, introduction letters, etc.) at the circulation desk, please sign the visitors' log.
If you wish to use special materials, take note of the following policies.
- Nichibunken requires applications to be submitted in advance to use its microfilm collection, and our staff will handle the materials for visitors.(Visitors do not have free access.)
- Visitors must make appointments in advance on days when the sources they wish to use and Nichibunken's microreaders are available.
- Other patrons may have made prior appointments for the day on which you wish to use microfilm sources, so please plan ahead when you make your request.
- Apply at least one week in advance to use the Prange Collection. For more details see "Prange Collection."
- See "Copying" for information about printing from a reader printer.
Rare & Old Books
- There may be additional procedures required in order to read or copy some sources, so you should have your university library or the nearest public library contact Nichibunken in advance.
- In order to view sources designated as rare or semi-rare books, use the "Application Form for Browsing Rare Books" to apply in writing prior to your visit.
- It may take seven to ten days to obtain permission, so keep that in mind when you make your request.
Copying (Onsite)
- Copy fees
Electronic copies: 10 yen/sheet (color 80 yen/sheet)
Reader-printer scan: 40 yen/sheet - Applications for copying are accepted until 4pm, and payment is due (the same day, in cash) by 4:30pm.
- We cannot make change, so please bring coins.
- Depending on the condition and format of the material, applications to copy special or fragile sources may be rejected, or the staff may discuss alternate options with you.
- Please refer "Copying" for more details.
ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Services
Copies of materials in the Nichibunken Library may be obtained and
original books or materials may be borrowed (for reading within your library)
long-distance through your university library or a public library near you.
For details please see Interlibrary Loan Services on this
Copying (Rare &
Old Books)
- Depending on the format and condition of the sources, such as rare books, works of classical literature, special sources, or materials that are very fragile, Nichibunken may deny copy requests or suggest alternate options.
- In the case of sources that have already been photographed or digitized, or sources that are available for viewing on the Nichibunken web site, patrons are asked to use those photographic or digital reproductions. Please contact Nichibunken for more details.
- Depending on the condition of the sources you wish to use, Nichibunken will discuss with you whether or not you can bring a digital camera to the library or use a camera when viewing sources.
- In general, photography (film/video) of special sources such as rare books and works of classical literature is contracted out to professional photographers. If you wish to use that service, please make a request using "Application for Special Copying." Please contact Library Services Unit for more details.
Saturday Service
- Please refer "Saturday Service" for more details.