
Team Research2024

Inner Palace, Oku, Harem―Comparative historical research on court women from the perspective of gender analysis―

Developing Research into Popular Culture
Project Leader Visiting Associate Professor KANDA Yuri
Professor ENOMOTO Wataru

This research project tackles a subject that remains largely obscured from view, namely: the women who occupied the imperial court and the inner recesses of the bakufu. What was life like for women born there? We shall examine the position and role of these women from a global perspective. We shall conduct comparative research on women of the courts of Japan and other nations to better explore the commonalities, the connections, and the distinctions of different court cultures, and to explain what is unique in each case.
The project will consider the significance of gender in these spaces. The women of Japan’s imperial court were responsible for communication with the exterior, while women of the bakufu court served as the shogun’s aides. We will use gender to explore relations between women of the imperial court and the shogunal court on the one hand, and courtiers and bakufu vassals on the other.

センター研究者等 神田 裕理 国際日本文化研究センター・客員准教授
榎本 渉 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
共同研究員 伊集院 葉子 専修大学・非常勤講師
小笠原 弘幸 九州大学人文科学研究院・准教授
木下 昌規 大正大学・准教授
龔 婷
倉本 一宏 国際日本文化研究センター・名誉教授
高鳥 廉 北海道武蔵女子短期大学・専任講師
滝澤 修身 長崎純心大学人文学部・教授
田中 暁龍 桜美林大学・教授
前田 尚美 京都女子大学・非常勤講師
松下 憲一 愛知学院大学・教授
松薗 斉 愛知学院大学・教授
村井 章介 東京大学・名誉教授
山木 聖史 日本大学・非常勤講師
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