■Research Activities Team Research 2017

A Historical Study of Manners and Customs in Modern East Asia

Category Foundational

Japanese lifestyles have grown increasingly Westernized, the tendency being particularly notable in the way people dress. Tatami flooring is beginning to disappear from homes. In terms of diet, too, more and more dishes are introduced from abroad.
 Japanese cuisine, however, includes many native ingredients, and quite a few foods have developed as hybrids of originally Western dishes. Chinese food, too, is much favored. In the architecture of homes the presence of traditional carpentry is gradually fading, and forms influenced by Western architecture are widespread. As is true in the case of clothing, the influence of Chinese civilization is seldom apparent. One of the more firmly lingering Japanese traditions is that of removing footwear on interior floors, but donning of Japanese-style dress is unknown except for some formal occasions and some pleasure outings.
 The tide of Westernization since the nineteenth century has enveloped other parts of East Asia as well. We will investigate the changes in food, clothing, shelter, and lifestyles that have taken place in each area of East Asia, and consider how these changes compare with the case of modern Japan. We plan to identify what differences and characteristics of Westernization may be observed in each area

Research Representative 井上 章一 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 劉 建輝   国際日本文化研究センター・副所長/教授
北浦 寛之 国際日本文化研究センター・助教
石川 肇 国際日本文化研究センター・助教
斎藤 光 京都精華大学・教授
申 昌浩 京都精華大学人文学部総合人文学科・教授
永井 良和 関西大学・教授
西村 大志 広島大学大学院・准教授
濱田 陽 帝京大学・准教授
李 珦淑 帝京大学・非常勤講師