Naniwabushi (Rōkyoku) | Team Research 2016

■Research Activities Team Research 2016

Interdisciplinary Research in the Formation and Transformation of Naniwabushi (Rōkyoku)

Category First Research Sphere Cultural Dynamics

Naniwabushi (rōkyoku) is a narrative performance that has continued to reflect the emotions and values of the masses and rouse the emotions of listeners in modern Japanese society. This study will focus on naniwabushi storytelling and singing and the shamisen music accompanying it, conduct a comparative study of repertoires and performances, and present a picture of the origins and development of the genre. While naniwabushi traces its origins to narrative performances of premodern times, it has acquired performance formats and repertoires that we see today. In that process, naniwabushi assiduously drew upon the stories and ways of singing of related genres and it also offered its own stories and singing styles to those genres. Amid the ongoing development of the media and the Japanese nation-state, what makes naniwabushi stand out is the way it has bridged the storytelling and singing traditions sought in popular culture over the premodern-modern divide. That was made possible because of its accumulated stock of conventional works that satisfied naniwabushi audiences, but also because it continued to fluidly transform itself. The project of situating the historical developments of naniwabushi in its relations with other genres will help to bring to the surface the important vein it represents in the history of modern popular culture.

Research Representative 真鍋 昌賢 国際日本文化研究センター・客員教授 / 北九州市立大学・教授
Organizer 細川 周平 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 芦川 淳平 公益社団法人浪曲親友協会・監事(非常勤)
上田 学 東京工芸大学芸術学部・非常勤講師
北川 純子 大阪教育大学教育学部・教授
薦田 治子 武蔵野音楽大学音楽学部・教授
諏訪 淳一郎 弘前大学人文社会・教育学系・准教授
時田 アリソン 京都市立芸術大学日本伝統音楽研究センター・所長
馬場 美佳 筑波大学人文社会系・准教授
兵藤 裕己 学習院大学文学部・教授
細田 明宏 帝京大学文学部・准教授
森谷 裕美子 学習院大学文学部・非常勤講師
早稲田 みな子 東京藝術大学音楽学部 ・非常勤講師
渡瀬 淳子 北九州市立大学文学部・准教授
延広 真治 東京大学名誉教授
古川 綾子 国際日本文化研究センター・特任助教
Team Researcher Overseas 瀬戸 智子 延世大学アンダーウッド国際大学アジア学部 ・助教授
朴 英山 誠信女子大学校・非常勤講師