■Research Activities Team Research 2014

Summary and Outlook: Dreams and Representation

Category Second Research Sphere The Structures of Culture

The relationship of dreams to cultural phenomenon is deep-rooted and strong, and the total picture of that relationship is vast and diverse. The team research project “Dreams and Representation: Media, History and Culture” conducted over the past three years, has reviewed the issues of dreams and cultural phenomena in Japanese cultural studies and presented the results of individual studies on the subject, toward the development of a comprehensive study.
 The relationship of dreams and representation in this research is sometimes direct and inevitable, but at times the two correspond rather loosely. So in this study these two terms are situated as mutually related and flexible according to the extent and directions of interdisciplinary inquiry.
 The “Dreams and Representation” project has thus far studied the subject mainly focusing on phenomena from ancient Japan to the present, with “dreams” as the keyword. Not stopping there, however, it has also aimed at an interdisciplinary research method open to the perspective of East Asia as a whole and even Europe, while based in the disciplines of each participating member from literature, history, art, religion, and theory of time. In that process we invited guest speakers, engaged in exchange of research findings through communication among the team research participants and, by incorporating diverse comparative-cultural/historical and crossdisciplinary perspectives, explored expressive imagery and recognition concerning dreams.
 A particularly innovative aspect of this research has been our focus on the visualization of dreams in their diverse cultural contexts. By analyzing the way such representations were incorporated into diverse forms of expression and media and underwent shifts through the course of history, we were able to develop a scheme that provides an important structure for research.
 The “Dreams and Representation” project, following the end of the three-year study, displays all manner of phases and various developments in the different dimensions of media, history, and culture, and is now turning out to have new potential as well.
 The present team research project will, over the course of one year, summarize the “dreams and representation” project and analyze its outlook, as well as make the integrated results of the research available to the public in various forms.

Research Representative 荒木 浩 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Organizer マルクス・リュッターマン 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
Team Researcher 安東 民兒 羽衣国際大学現代社会学部・教授
池田 忍 千葉大学文学部・教授
入口 敦志 国文学研究資料館研究部・准教授
上野 勝之 元京都大学・非常勤講師
鍛治 恵 NPO法人睡眠文化研究会・事務局長
加藤 悦子 玉川大学芸術学部・教授
河東 仁 立教大学コミュニティ福祉学部・教授
木村 朗子 津田塾大学学芸学部・教授
笹生 美貴子 日本大学・非常勤講師
仙海 義之 公益財団法人阪急文化財団・学芸課長
高橋 文治 大阪大学大学院文学研究科・教授
立木 宏哉 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・博士後期課程
玉田 沙織 名古屋学院大学経済学部・講師
林 千宏 亜細亜大学経営学部・講師
平野 多恵 成蹊大学文学部・准教授
福島 恒徳 花園大学文学部・教授
藤井 由紀子 清泉女子大学文学部・准教授
松薗 斉 愛知学院大学文学部・教授
松本 郁代 横浜市立大学国際総合科学部・准教授
箕浦 尚美 大阪大学大学院文学研究科・助教
室城 秀之 白百合女子大学文学部・教授
伊東 貴之 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
榎本 渉 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
郭 南燕 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
倉本 一宏 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
早川 聞多 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
丹下 暖子 国際日本文化研究センター・機関研究員
中川 真弓 日本学術振興会・特別研究員(PD)
Team Researcher Overseas Ive Covaci Fairfield University (Fairfield, CT) (アメリカ) ・ASIANetwork-Luce Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow in Japan Studies
Jörg B. Quenzer Universitaet Hamburg Asien- und Afrikastudien Japanologie (ドイツ)・Prof. Dr.
李 育娟 国立台湾師範大学華語文教学系・副教授