■Research Activities Team Research 2013

The Images and Visions of Leaders in Modern Japan

Category Third research sphere Comparison of Cultures

How should a man act in order to be a good leader? What roles should he play? What qualities does he need in order to play those roles? How can we produce and raise people who have the qualities required of a leader? These questions have been asked at many times in many places and various answers have been given. The way in which the questions are asked and the answers given is an important element in the political culture of a country.
 This team research project will study what images and views modern Japanese have had of their leaders, and how they have discussed those leaders’ qualities. It will take up Japanese images and discourses of leadership in the period from the collapse of shogunate era to the present day. We will deal not only with the images of political leaders, but also those of leaders in bureaucracy, the business world, mass media, and the worlds of art and literature. Is the image of leadership in the political world different from those in other fields? And do the images change over time? We will try to tacle these questions, too.
 Japanese politics in 1930’s was troubled by a sharp division in the decision making process and haunted by gekokujo(government from below). This political disease has previously been analyzed in terms of political power structure. Our assumption is that the causes of the disease may be better clarified through the analysis of leadership. Japan has been through periods in the modern age when the people deplored the absence of leadership. We will tackle this problem by asking and answering the question of what roles, abilities and qualities the Japanese people expected of their leaders.
 Each member of this project will adopt the research approach and subject of his or her own choice: some will deal with the discourse of leadership in a particular field, others will study the self image of an individual leader or a group of leaders.
 Collectively we will uncover the common characteristics of leadership throughout the whole modern period of Japan.

Research Representative 戸部良一 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Organizer 瀧井一博  国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 五百旗頭薫 東京大学社会科学研究所・准教授
猪木武徳 青山学院大学国際政治経済学研究科・特任教授
小川原正道 慶應義塾大学法学部・准教授
河野 仁 防衛大学校人文社会科学群公共政策学科・教授
黒澤文貴 東京女子大学現代教養学部 ・教授
佐古 丞 大阪学院大学国際学部・教授
佐藤卓己 京都大学大学院教育学研究科・准教授
庄司潤一郎 防衛省防衛研究所・戦史研究センター長
武田知己 大東文化大学法学部・教授
中西 寛 京都大学大学院法学研究科・教授
野中郁次郎 一橋大学名誉教授
波多野澄雄 筑波大学名誉教授
牛村 圭 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
松田利彦 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
楠 綾子 国際日本文化研究センター/関西学院大学国際学部・客員准教授/准教授
奈良岡聡智 国際日本文化研究センター/京都大学大学院法学研究科・客員准教授/准教授
Team Researcher Overseas 黄 自進 台湾中央研究院近代史研究所(台湾)・研究員
Frederick R.Dickinson Department of History, University of Pensylvania(アメリカ合衆国)・Associate Professor