■Research Activities Team Research 2013

Formation of Japanese time and space conceptions

Category Second research sphere The Structures of Culture

Our research project pursues how and when Japanese conceptions of time and space were formed.
 On the Japanese archipelago, flat lands are rare; the lands are punctuated everywhere by mountains and rivers, allowing people only limited perspective. In sharp contrast, surrounding seas stretch to the horizon. Seas have served as a passage to the outer world. Under such geographical conditions, Japanese people have developed very unique conception of space; from living space to local and national politics, and ultimately, to how to locate ourselves in this world. This conception of space is quite different from that of people living on any continents.
 In early ancient Japan, Kuni, primitive local governments emerged. They were integrated into bigger Tenka, which Daio or a local king dominated. However, through negotiation and trade with the outside world, local kings became well aware of their situation; they were not in the center of the universe. In late ancient period, local administrative system of Kuni-Kori-Sato was introduced, and it functioned through late 19th century. While the capital and farming land were divided into grids or Jhobo/Jhori, local cities were connected to the capital by straight highways. Space conception consisted chiefly of squares and straight lines was characteristic of Japan. Also, Buddhist and Confucian world views were accepted and had unique influence on Japanese culture.
 Especially in medieval Japan, Buddhist view was deepened and Japanized along with the concept of the nation. The impact of Buddhism should never be underestimated.
 Most of the Japanese archipelago falls in the temperate monsoon belt and enjoys four distinct seasons. Although it might be natural that we have a circular conception of time deep rooted in the seasonal changes, there has also been a linear time conception which goes from the past to the future. The latter becomes inevitable if an individual’s life or local or national history are taken into consideration.
 From early ancient Japan, there have been dual recognitions of time; an annual circular one and the other where time was divided in accordance with the reigns of Daio. In the 5th century, the lunar calendar was imported from Korea. Based on the circular conception of time, it exercised great influence on Japanese culture. In the late ancient period, the lunar calendar was widely used and annual events were established as the Imperial Court ceremonies. Historical books were also edited by the Imperial Court, according to the Chinese tradition. In addition, Buddhism prevailed in this period, bringing in Buddhist conception of both space and time, such as “this life” and “afterlife”. Widespread Mappo doctrine and the aesthetic sense for the ephemeral are typical examples of Buddhist influence on Japanese historical view. Although the medieval time conception was based on the ancient one, some new factors were also added after political and social changes.
 We assume that Japanese traditional conception of time and space was formed mainly in the ancient period and sophisticated through the medieval period. To verify the hypothesis, we try to consider examples of early ancient, late ancient, and medieval Japan from varied points of view, including that of text-based history, archeology, historical geography, and Japanese literature. Through the process, we expect it to become possible to trace how Japanese traditional conception of time and space was formed and took root.

Research Representative 吉川真司 国際日本文化研究センター/京都大学大学院文学研究科・客員教授/教授
Organizer 倉本一宏 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 井上直樹 京都府立大学文学部・准教授
今津勝紀 岡山大学社会文化科学研究科・教授
上島 享 京都大学大学院文学研究科・准教授
宇野隆夫 帝塚山大学人文学部・教授
大津 透 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・教授
門井直哉 福井大学教育地域科学部・准教授
上川通夫 愛知県立大学日本文化学部・教授
河上麻由子 奈良女子大学人文学系・助教
神戸航介 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科・博士後期課程
佐藤早紀子 京都大学大学院文学研究科・博士後期課程
下垣仁志 立命館大学文学部・准教授
武井紀子 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
武田和哉 大谷大学文学部・准教授
西本昌弘 関西大学文学部・教授
畑中彩子 東海大学文学部・専任講師
林部 均 国立歴史民俗博物館・准教授
古松崇志 岡山大学社会文化科学研究科・准教授
細井浩志 活水女子大学文学部・教授
本庄総子 京都大学大学院文学研究科・博士後期課程
横内裕人 京都府立大学文学部・准教授
荒木 浩 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
榎本 渉 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
徳永誓子 国際日本文化研究センター・機関研究員
堀井佳代子 国際日本文化研究センター・技術補佐員
Team Researcher Overseas 井上 亘 北京大学(中華人民共和国)・教授
劉 暁峰 清華大学人文社会科学研究院歴史系(中華人民共和国)・教授