■Research Activities Team Research 2013

Comparative study about plural local development of the Japanese-style education culture

Category Fifth research sphere Cultural Information

In the North American Japanese-migrant studies, a study about the period from the 1930s to the wartime, called "the times of the blank", is accumulated, and the modern Japanese colonization studies, including the field of Manchuria, is becoming popular more and more, too. In contrast, although the Brazilian Japanese-migrant study lag significantly behind North Americans', some projects were planned taking advantage of "the Brazil Japan emigrant 100th anniversary" of 2008, and some results is brought about it. It will be a breakaway from the historical view of national history and rise of the transnational historical view to attract attention in the progress of the migration and colonization studies.
 This project is a trial to clarify the relationship between each area while utilizing the result of the such recent migration and colonization studies, and comparing the aspect of a multicultural experience and the human being formation of Japanese-children about the education in a transnational historical viewpoint. Specifically, we will do before World War II, the wartime period with main target of this study and organize a common points and the differences of both, mutual association from an actual situation comparison of the children education in the outside (the Brazil, Philippines, Hawaii and United States) and inside (Taiwan, Manchurian, the Nanyô) of the Japanese Empire. In addition, we add main land of Japan to these areas and intend catch movement of people and the culture over the children education again as the interlocking movement of aspect each other between areas and a network. we approach in the real situation of the life history of the people who moved interval of the empire formation on the general grasp after having understood it at the macro level.
 Because this project is a only one year term, for understanding at the micro level which it made a focus in the education experience of the Japanese-children whom we scattered particularly abroad, we want to establish four courses following study directions according to the specialty domain of the coresearchers:
-1. Description and education;
-2. Real situation of the education;
-3. Education and media;
-4. Movement and identity formation.

 We want to clarify a process and mechanism creating a network and a system of the Japanese-children education, culture while a modern Japanese repeats a transnational activities at various places in the world focusing on these four courses. In addition, in postwar world reorganization, we want to do it with a clue to know how human resources and the cultural resources of such a Japanese-children were utilized.
 As the results that we can expect, we become able to approach the individual actual situation of the Japanese-children education in areas of the outside of the zone imperial as the Brazil, Philippines, Hawaii and United States and reaknowledge it from a global view point. Furthermore, it has a meaning to supplement the Japanese overseas emigration history as one part of the modern Japanese history and it will provide superior frame and materials when we describe a global history about migration, colonization and children education of modern Japanese.

Research Representative 根川幸男 国際日本文化研究センター/ブラジリア大学外国語・翻訳学部・外国人研究員/准教授
Organizer 井上章一  国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 浅野豊美 中京大学国際教養学部・教授
飯窪秀樹 学習院大学経済学部・非常勤講師
伊志嶺安博 長崎外国語大学外国語学部・非常勤講師
大浜郁子 琉球大学法文学部・准教授
カール呉 日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員(中京大学国際教養学部)
小林茂子 中央大学文学部・非常勤講師
坂口満宏 京都女子大学文学部・教授
佐々木剛二 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
住田育法 京都外国語大学外国語学部・教授
高橋美樹 高知大学教育研究部・准教授
中原ゆかり 愛媛大学法文学部・教授
中村茂生 特定非営利活動法人 地域文化資源ネットワーク・理事長
西村大志 広島大学大学院教育学研究科・准教授
東 悦子 和歌山大学観光学部・准教授
松盛美紀子 同志社大学大学院アメリカ研究科・博士後期課程
物部ひろみ 同志社大学グローバル地域文化学部・准教授
森本豊富 早稲田大学人間科学学術院・教授
柳下宙子 外務省外交史料館・課長補佐
吉田 亮 同志社大学社会学部・教授
細川周平 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
石川 肇 国際日本文化研究センター・プロジェクト研究員
Team Researcher Overseas 野呂博子 ビクトリア大学アジア・太平洋学科(カナダ)・准教授・学科長
小林ルイス・オクタビオ眞登 サンパウロ人文科学研究所(ブラジル)・理事