■Research Activities Team Research 2012

Devices and Notions of Japanese and French Spacialities and Temporalities

Category Third research sphere Comparison of Cultures

The following team research project of one year at Nichibunken in Kyoto focuses on the analysis of concepts and devices constituting spatiality. The present analysis is related to both cultures; Japanese and French.The project proposes to define precisely the heart of those spacialities (central notions and devices) and arrive at a jointed explanation (instead of a self-centered one).The main axis of these studies aims at considering a variety of views and the very differences that they expose. Each scholar will express in his own language how he/she reads each constituent (notion, concept or emblematic device) of spatiality. Supported by robust studies, of a concrete as well as a universal type, taking into account the specific ways of generalization, proper to each of the two cultures, this team project should allow us to engage in debate the differences concerning basic principles as well as the differences in terms of scientific procedure and methodology. Reports made by joint French-Japanese teams would be particularly welcome.The different notions in question will be studied in their historical depth, in order to point out and to compare the epistemological and fundamental differences between housing and spatiality in Japan and in France, but furthermore to consider them in a more prospective way in their present realizations.Each study should retrace the history of these notions and their first occurrences, their etymological origins, their following uses and developments, their best expressions in architectural space (place and date of these buildings have to be precisely indicated).The idea of a crossed observation supposes to go beyond a naive comparison, or to avoid a vain assessment of the incompatibility of cultures. Consequently the use of the two languages French and Japanese is necessary, considering that the words do not have the same meaning in both languages, but beside that, that language is not only a medium but at the same time instrumental in forging the concepts. Above all, in this intercultural dialogue, each scholar from both the Japanese and French sides will have to take into account and recognize that our methods and ways of thinking are mainly different and that these differences ―without overstressing them― are even the subject of our questioning.

Research Representative BONNIN Philippe 国際日本文化研究センター・外国人研究員
Organizer 稲賀 繁美 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher ASANUMA-BRICE Cécile フランス外務省・国立科学研究センター 在外共同研究所UMIFRE19・博士課程
阿部 順子 椙山女子学園大学生活科学部・准教授
江口 久美 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター・客員研究員
加藤 邦男 (財)建築研究協会・理事長
JACQUET Benoît フランス極東学院・准教授
千代 章一郎 広島大学大学院工学研究院・准教授
TARDITS Manuel ICSカレッジオブアーツ・副校長
田路 貴浩 京都大学大学院工学研究科・准教授
土居 義岳 九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院・教授
西田 雅嗣 京都工芸繊維大学大学院工芸科学研究科・准教授
波嵯栄 ジェニファ しょう子 日仏会館フランス事務所フランス外務省・国立科学研究センター 在外共同研究所UMIFRE19・研究員
BROSSEAU Sylvie 早稲田大学政治経済学部・教授
VENDREDI-AUZANNEAU Christine 慶應義塾大学・教授
PEZEU-MASSABUAU Jacques 元奥羽大学文学部教授
松原 康介 筑波大学システム情報工学研究科・助教
松本 裕 大阪産業大学デザイン工学部・准教授
三宅 理一 藤女子大学人間生活学部・教授
渡邊 一正 NPO市民文化財ネットワーク鳥取・理事長
朴 美貞 国際日本文化研究センター・機関研究員
Team Researcher Overseas BOURDIER Marc パリ・ラヴィレット国立高等建築学校・教授
FIEVE Nicolas フランス国立高等研究院・教授
Corinne TIRY-ONO リール国立高等建築学校(Architecte,researching,ENSAPL)・文化省研究技官