■Research Activities Team Research 2012

Interrelation and Dynamism between Architecture and Power

Category Second research sphere The Structures of Culture

This research is to clarify how architecture and power relate to each other and what dynamics there exist between them. Although for those in power "where" to make their decisions should be as significant as "when" or "how" to make them, researches on the power have paid little attention to the space of their decision-making. Therefore, through the analysis of the architecture of the power, this research project not only tries to make its significance clear, but also shed a new light on the study of power in Japan. Thus, this research aims to bring into relief the interrelation and dynamism between architecture and power, and at the same time to reveal new aspects of power in Japan.The question of what, or who, the power is in Japan has yet to be solved, which is why the recent research by one of our members, for example, could only deal with "political" power in "Kanto" area in "modern" times. The power in Japan, however, actually originated in Kansai area, and up to the present time the power in Kansai area has had a big influence on Japanese society especially in the economic arena. In this research, therefore, we plan to deal with as much architecture in Kansai area as possible and, comparing it with that in Kanto area, depict the whole picture of how power has been in Japan.

Research Representative 御厨 貴 国際日本文化研究センター・客員教授
Organizer 井上 章一 国際日本文化研究センター・教授
Team Researcher 五十嵐 太郎 東北大学大学院工学研究科・教授
池内 恵 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター・准教授
小宮 京 桃山学院大学法学部・講師
佐藤 信 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター・共同研究員
砂原 庸介 大阪市立大学大学院法学研究科・准教授
手塚 洋輔 京都女子大学現代社会学部・講師
中村 武生 都市史研究家
奈良岡 聡智 京都大学大学院法学研究科・准教授
牧原 出 東北大学大学院法学研究科・教授
松宮 貴之 書家