■Research Activities Team Research 2011

Empire and the Higher Education in East Asia

Category Fourth research sphere Cultural Relations

This project aims at analyzing the institutions, the functions and the legacies of the higher educations in the Japanese Empire with special attentions to the context of East Asian modern history. There are few, if any, previous studies on this field. One exceptional case is Umakoshi Toru’s study “Kankoku Kindai Daigaku no Seiritsu to Tenkai”(The Establishment and Development of Modern Korean Universities”(Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai, 1995). Although Umakoshi analyzed Keijō Imperial University as a typical case of Japanese colonial universities comparing with the idea of establishing the Korean people’s university under the Japanese imperial rule, there still remain several unsolved problems. The political, social and cultural functions of the Japanese colonial universities should be further investigated. Another exceptional case is the series of Iwanami Koza “ Teikoku Nihon no Gakuchi” (The Academic Discourses in the Imperial Japan) (Iwanami Shoten, 2006). While this series covers the wider contexts of the knowledge and institutions in Imperial Japan, it dose not focus on the colonial higher educations. This project, therefore, can be said as the first interdisciplinary research project on the higher educations in the Japanese Empire. This project is constituted by the following three parts. Part Ⅰ reconsiders the institutions and ideas of the Japanese colonial higher educations comparing with the cases of western empire. Part Ⅱ analyzes the functions of the colonial higher educations in the structure of Japanese imperial rule. Part Ⅲ discusses the legacies of the colonial higher educations in Korea and Taiwan after the end of World War Ⅱ. In order to accomplish the aims mentioned above, Six workshops will be held each year. The product of this research project will be published from Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai (the University of Nagoya Press).

Research Representative 酒井 哲哉 国際日本文化研究センター・客員教授 / 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科・教授
Organizer 松田 利彦 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
Team Researcher 浅野 豊美 中京大学国際教養学部・教授
飯島 渉 青山学院大学文学部・教授
石川 健治 東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科・教授
石川 裕之 畿央大学教育学部・助教
片岡 龍 東北大学大学院文学研究科・准教授
川尻 文彦 愛知県立大学外国語学部中国学科・准教授
通堂 あゆみ 東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科韓国朝鮮文化研究室・調査員
中生 勝美 桜美林大学人文学系・教授
松田 吉郎 兵庫教育大学学校教育研究科・教授
米谷 匡史 東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究院・准教授
馬越 徹 名古屋大学名誉教授
瀧井 一博 国際日本文化研究センター・准教授
Team Researcher Overseas 呉 密察 国立成功大学台湾文学系・教授
白 永瑞 延世大学校歴史学科・教授
金 昌祿 慶北大学校法学専門大学院・教授
崔 鍾庫 ソウル大学校法科大学院・教授
劉 書彦 清雲科技大学応用外国語学科・助理教授