■Research Activities Team Research 2004

A Comprehensive Study about the Formation of the Concept of Two-Character Combination of Kanji in Modern East Asia

China and Japan are major countries of the Chinese ideograph cultural sphere; whose languages experienced profound changes as western studies approach the east in modern history. Such a change found full expression in the amount of modern technical terms in Chinese ideograph translated from the west. Modern Chinese terminology evolved in the interaction of Chinese and Japanese language. From late 16th century to mid 19th century, Jesuits, protestant missionaries, and Chinese statesmen collaborative created a group of Japan, they were absorbed and constituted the vocabulary in the Dutch Studies (RANGAKU) and Western studies in Japan. As going to Japan for studies and translating Japanese works into Chinese became popular since 1896, the new Chinese words created in the late BAKUFU (tent government) and Meiji period spread to China and contributed to the major source of Chinese new words in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. The study intends to explore the following aspects of Chinese terminology: its origin in ancient Chinese language and its formation in China and Japan between the 16th and 20th century, the focus is on the interaction of Chinese and Japanese terminology in modern times and the huge impact it made on the modern culture of both countries. A Comprehensive Study of the Culture of Modern Northeast China (the Former Manchuria) Organizer: LIU Jianhui, Associate Professor Northeast China, the former Manchuria, is a critical place in modern Japanese history. All the wars fought for overseas rights and interests, which determined the destiny of Japan, were fought on Manchurian soil. In a certain sense, it is possible to see Japanese modernity as having developed with Manchuria at the center of things. Although its influence was critical on the course of modern Japan, the former Manchuria has not been adequately studied. There have been studies devoted to the political, economic and military history of the area but very few concerning the spiritual, social and cultural life of the people who lived there. This team research project will focus on social and cultural issues, taking into consideration the history and activities of Japanese residents in the former Manchuria. Historical of KANSAI Region and KANSAI plan-The social and physical base for the formation of culture Organizer: SENDA Minoru, Professor This team research aims to discuss about the physical and social base concerning the formation of the culture of the KANSAI region. This research in composed by two main subjects. One is to examine about the base which formed the culture of the KANSAI region of the history days and one more theme is how to use physical base and prepare a social base to activate KANSAI region culturally. Guest speakers lecture for example the comparison with the historical relation and present condition with Shanghai in China and Pusan in Korean, offering the material of the argument. The result of this research will be published as a report of 'KANSAI space'. And, as for contents of a discussion of the team, it is introduced to the public in the homepage, and an opinion is asked from the researchers. Research Activities Faculty Activities and Current Events Research Department Team Research Theory and Methodology Seminars International Research Symposia Archives Team Research Projects Past Lectures and Research Meetings Recent Publications Graduate Education Doctoral Program in Japanese Studies Special Research Students SEARCH

代表者 馮 天瑜 武漢大学中国伝統文化研究センター 国際日本文化研究センター・主任・教授外国人研究員 
Organizer 劉  建輝 国際日本文化研究センター研究部・助教授
Team Researcher 荒川 清秀 愛知大学国際コミュニケーション学部・教授
井上  健 東京工業大学外国語研究教育センター・教授
緒方  康 神戸大学大学院文化学研究科・助教授
榊原 貴教 ナダ出版センター
史  有為 関西外国語大学・教授
沈  国威 関西大学外国語教育研究機構・教授
陳  力衛 目白大学短期大学部・助教授
鄧   紅 大分県立芸術文化短期大学・助教授
鄧  新華 中部日本観測株式会社・社員
飛田 良文 元国際基督教大学大学院比較文化研究科教授
松井 利彦 神戸松蔭女子学院大学文学部・教授
松田  清 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科・教授
李  済倉 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所・特約研究員
劉  柏林 愛知大学現代中国学部・助教授
柳父  章 桃山学院大学文学部・非常勤講師
鈴木 貞美 国際日本文化研究センター研究部・教授
官  文娜 武漢大学中国伝統文化研究センター ・客員教授元国際日本文化研究センター外来研究員