■Research Activities Team Research 2006

TOWARDS A NEW JAPAN? - Bridging the Perception Gap Concerning Japan's Contemporary Cultural Identity

Despite its enormous power and visibility in the modern global system Japan was not able to significantly influence its own image abroad. This might be due to a considerable perception gap between Japanese identity and foreign image. This research project aims to correct the foreign image construction vis-à-vis Japan, based on fundamental, high-quality research from inside Japan by well-known and prestigious Japanese researchers. They are all experts in those disciplines which are relevant for a description of the contemporary cultural identity of Japan. The project will realize the following three major aims: narrowing the perception gap between the changes actually taking place in contemporary Japan and the perception of those changes abroad; showing which major changes are taking place in contemporary Japan by focusing on the major fields in which those changes are taking place; showing what the effects of those changes will be inside as well as outside Japan. The following fields are provisionally selected: Administration (State, Prefecture, City), Business Culture, Corporate Strategy, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Financial System, Foreign Policy and International Relations, Lifestyle, Literature and Arts, Media, Political system and political culture, Popular culture, Position of women, Religion, Social cohesion, Technology.

代表者 リーン・T・セーゲルス 国際日本文化研究センター・外国人研究員
Organizer 川勝 平太 国際日本文化研究センター研究部・教授
Team Researcher 猪口  孝 中央大学法学部・教授
小倉 和夫 国際交流基金・理事長
佐伯 順子 同志社大学文学部・教授
佐藤 卓巳 京都大学大学院教育学研究科・助教授
長坂 寿久 拓殖大学国際開発学部・教授
中沢 新一 多摩美術大学美術学部・教授
野中郁次郎 一橋大学大学院国際企業戦略研究科・名誉教授
秦 由美子 大阪大学大学教育実践センター・助教授
濱田  陽 帝京大学短期大学現代ビジネス学科・講師
薬師寺泰蔵 慶応義塾大学・客員教授
山折 哲雄 国際日本文化研究センター・名誉教授
本野 英一 早稲田大学政治経済学部 国際日本文化研究センター ・教授客員教授