■Events Nichibunken-IHJ Forum

2016-7-27  The 8th Nichibunken-IHJ Forum

The Literature of Kawabata Yasunari and Chinese Art
ZHOU Yue   Professor, Beijing Language and Culture University / Visiting Research Scholar, International Research Center for Japanese Studies

 Kawabata Yasunari is a Japanese novelist widely known in China, yet the study of his literature there has experienced a big shift with the changes in society and in the mentality of the Chinese people. Kawabata’s literature has been deeply studied in the context of Japanese traditional culture and Western culture, but its relevance to Chinese culture has not been examined in depth; very few know that Kawabata admired and appreciated Sung- and Yuan-Dynasty art. This lecture will introduce Kawabata’s collection of Sung and Yuan art and discuss why he became so fascinated by them. Further, it will look into the artistic and religious significance of Sung and Yuan art and explore how they influenced Kawabata’s literary works.
*This lecture will be held in Japanese.
Lecture Hall, International House of Japan (Address: 5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032)
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End time:
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International House of Japan
International Research Center for Japanese Studies